Friday, March 14, 2008

Annual Dinner @Gurney Hotel

Hello everyone!!

Thank you once again for taking time to browse thru our site.

Trinity has made another celebration a success and as memorable as it can be!

This time with Excel Precision Penang.

Beautiful people do deserve only the best they can get.

Full planning once again within a budget given,

With so much entertainment & games that evening..

Lots of gifts advised adn allocated for everyone of the games and agenda.

We have the Junior 24 drums champion to greet the VIPs and perform,

The youngest and most talented dancers to stir up the ambience..

And ME, ya.. as MC... how can things work out more perfectly??


of course they can.. with the coordinating team from Trinity!

Yes we make sure everything runs smoothly..

the right songs played at the right moment..

The greetings.. the lucky draws..


All to ensure everyone.. including the committees enjoy themselves.

Otherwise it would be another hectic 'working' day for them..


oh ya.. and Camelia who sings Malay, Chinese and English numbers so serenade

in between agenda and the opening while everyone get to sit back and have a nice dinner..

and enjoy her performance..

but.. some just can't stop having FUN !!!

It was a great night...
a wonderful celebration..

Big big thank you to my team from TrinityEvents once again..

as dedicated.. as well organised as ever!


Thank you Gary, Maureen, Ricky, Sofia, Guan, Pin, Miss Chang the teacher.

Committees from Excel for teamwork,

Powerzone dancers, Kelvin, Camelia.. .. and everyone else reading this!

Hope to part of your celebration!

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